Card My Yard River Forest
My name is Jenn Gerbrecht and celebrations and parties are hands down, my FAVORITE THING! I have thrown parties for everything from my youngest being potty trained to my son’s hamster getting married. True story. There was a wedding cake and a DJ. 😂🐹
I LOVE making memories and celebrating all the milestones so being a part of CARD MY YARD just made sense. I was a past customer who placed orders several times a year so when I had the opportunity to become an owner, I jumped at the chance!
My husband (Arno Robert) and our 3 kids have been in River Forest for over the past 12 years and have LOVED being a part of this incredible community. From coaching soccer to being on the PTO to now helping you celebrate your special events - I have been honored to be part of so many of your lives! Thank you for that honor.
This is an independently owned and operated franchise licensed by Card My Yard Franchising, LLC.

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