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Just One BIG Card Out of HUNDREDS

Just One BIG Card Out of HUNDREDS


Author: Corporate Team

Uploaded: Jan. 16, 2022

Card My Yard set up an over-the-top sign to celebrate veteran Wes Schafer’s special day. Mr. Schafer, a World War II Navy veteran, turned 100 on January 16th.

Concerned for his parents' health and not wanting to risk unnecessary exposure, Schafer’s son Terry made a request on social media. He reached out to the community and asked people to send birthday cards to his dad, hoping for 100 cards for a 100th birthday. Terry’s request took on a life of its own and Schafer received around 500 cards, including the one that filled the front yard from Card My Yard Munster.

“It was a complete honor to be able to celebrate sweet Wes on his 100th birthday. This is one of the many reasons I LOVE Card My Yard!”, said Sarah Nuetzel, owner of the Card My Yard Munster.